Американка рассталась с бойфрендом и бросила работу, чтобы путешествовать в фургоне - фото

25 декабря 2019 | 00:55

Американка Сидни Фербрач решила исполнить свою мечту, ради которой она рассталась с бойфрендом и бросила нелюбимую работу. Теперь девушка вместе со своей собакой Эллой путешествует по стране в автофургоне.

Сидни ведет тревел-блог в Instagram, в котором рассказывает об особенностях жизни на колесах и щедро делится фотографиями из путешествий.

24-летняя девушка объездила уже более 20 штатов. Чтобы приобрести фургон, она работала сразу в трех местах. На покупку и обустройство она потратила более 28 тысяч долларов.

«Родители были в шоке от моего решения. Они словно окаменели, когда я сообщила им о том, что отправляюсь в путешествие в одиночку», — призналась американка в своем Instagram, который на сегодня является основным источником ее дохода.

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

There was a time a few years ago where I wasn’t exactly in a great mental space when a friend asked me to go to a free yoga class down the street. I agreed because I had nothing else to do that night. So I went and laughed the entire time at how ridiculous the teacher was for expecting anyone to do the things she was explaining. The next week I asked my friend if he wanted to go back but he was busy. I ended up going anyways. Week after week I showed up for no real reason at all. It was after a few classes that I realized I was actually getting a little better. I could touch my toes and breathe correctly through a simple flow. Every day I ran home and spent hours in my room practicing. I would fall over again and again and again. Dozens of bruises, bloody noses, and hours spent trying desperately to get the poses that I learned that week. It was during those hours consumed by a new passion that I forgot I was really struggling with my mental health. I escaped my mind every minute that I found myself in my body. Sweating, moving, focusing on my breath instead of my life. Now my practice consists of much more. I meditate. I work on anxiety on my mat and off. I read about the history and culture behind Yoga. I have Sanskrit tattooed on my body. I’m so happy I said yes when I easily could’ve turned down the offer that day. Always try new things. Say yes. Go back. Fall and get up. It is so worth the reward when you find something that can change your life.

Публикация от Sydney Ferbrache (@divineontheroad)

За путешествиями Сидни следят более 107 тысяч подписчиков.

Девушка уверяет, что она ни о чем не жалеет и чувствует себя очень счастливой.

«Я не говорю, что буду заниматься этим всю жизнь. Конечно, однажды я решу, что пора вернуться домой и завести семью. Но сейчас, просыпаясь каждый день, я чувствую себя самой счастливой на свете», — призналась Фербрач.

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

I’ve been getting quite a few repeat questions lately and I never want it to feel like I’m hiding anything or have some secret that allows me to do what I’m doing. I’m always an open book and want you to know the answer to anything you may have been wondering whether it’s van life, my life, having a dog on the road, etc. Here are the answers to a few of the most commonly asked questions but if you have something else, I would be happy to answer whatever you’ve got. - I do live in the van full- time and don’t have any property or apartment anywhere. I consider my home base to be Indiana where I visit family every 4 to 5 months. - You’re sweet for asking, but no I do not want a (human) co- pilot. - When I leave Ella in the van, I close the pocket door which blocks heat from the front. I put up the insulated window covers which blocks heat from the back. With the front windows cracked and the vent fan on, it makes the van much cooler than you’d probably expect. I also leave plenty of water in her bowl. If I think it’s still too warm, I simply don’t leave her inside. She comes with me 99% of the time anyways. - My website is how I generate an income on the road. I do affiliate marketing, advertising, and offer a mentorship program for anyone trying to build a website and make money from it. I’m also currently working on a few products of my own which will be done very soon! I’ve worked hard to make the website get plenty of traffic through search engines instead of Instagram which is why I don’t talk about it very often here. (But I do love talking about this stuff so seriously ask me anything you want.) - I take all of my own photos! I have a tripod and a timer on the camera. I usually set it to take a photo every second for 20-30 seconds. That gives me plenty of options and then I just edit in Lightroom on my laptop... usually several days later - Anything else, just leave down below and I’ll answer everything! Have a wonderful week, my loves.

Публикация от Sydney Ferbrache (@divineontheroad)