Фигура мечты: пенсионерка похудела на 30 килограммов и превратилась в фитнес-модель - фото, видео

5 марта 2020 | 04:55

Жительница Канады Джоан Макдональд в 73 года похудела на 30 килограммов и восхитила сеть своим преображением.

Своей историей и фото она поделилась в Instagram.

В 2017 году врачи заявили Макдональд, что если она не изменит свой образ жизни, то ей придется применять гораздо большее количество медицинских препаратов. Женщина весила 90 килограммов и была далека от фитнеса.

Она прислушалась к медикам и взялась за себя. Дочь помогла ей составить сбалансированное питание. Пенсионерка записалась в спортзал и за три года не только избавилась от 30 килограммов, но и добилась фигуры своей мечты.

«Трансформация — это не просто потеря веса. Трансформация может быть гораздо большим! Конечно, это было мое долгое, медленное путешествие», — отмечает она.

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Transformation isn’t just about losing weight. Transformation can be about so much more! Certainly this has been my long, slow journey. On the left I was visiting my own mother in a nursing home and seeing her health rapidly deteriorating. It absolutely broke my heart, and yet it was also frustrating to see her just accept her fate and refuse to fight to make things better. When my own daughter reached out to me and offered to help, it was like coming full circle. I was at a real cross roads. Do I follow in the footsteps of my mother, or do I try to break free of the cycle and create a different outcome for myself. I know so many of you want to know about the diet and the training, but what I can’t stress enough to you, is the importance of developing your mind. Throughout the past 3 years I have been deeply challenged, many times in tears,and feeling like I was so slow to learn, BUT I did not give up. Since I started this journey 3 years ago I’ve learned to use an I-phone, I’ve learned to use apps (though they still seem complicated to me!) I’m even learning a new language (Spanish!). I’ve learned to be more confident in front of a camera and trust myself at interviews, and I’ve just gained so much more confidence and optimism about making my life better in general. Even my relationship with my husband has improved because I’m just a happier person. That’s a pretty wonderful place to be this late in the game. So, for those of you think more about losing weight, I am telling you, sometimes the weight we need to lose is more than the pounds on the scale. Sometimes we need to lose our negative self-talk, our feelings of failure, our lack of confidence in ourselves and in the world. Sometimes it’s the internal transformation that is its own best reward. I hope you learn to choose to be happy! With love Joan

Допис, поширений Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan)

«Каждый день я двигаюсь по направлению к своей цели. Каждый месяц преодолеваю новый рубеж. Каждый год я меняюсь так сильно, что, кажется, дальше некуда, но я продолжаю. В такие моменты я, как никогда, осознаю, что человеческие способности безграничны. В любой момент каждый может принять решение, которое изменит его жизнь. Вне зависимости от того, насколько трудной кажется жизнь, нужно оставаться верным своим целям и двигаться вперед», — делиться своими мыслями пенсионерка.

По ее словам, когда она начала вести здоровый образ жизни, то «просто хотела быть здоровой». Сейчас у Макдональд в Instagram уже более 413 тысяч подписчиков.

«Научитесь любить себя, заботиться о себе, начните мечтать и любите жизнь всем сердцем!», — призывает пользователей канадка.

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Romanian Deadlifts! I do these to help strengthen my backside and really tone up my muscles. These are very hard, no doubt about it, and they aren’t easy to do right so I do recommend working with a professional. I know I am very lucky to have a daughter and a son-in-law who are at the top of their fields. Every time I come down to Tulum to their gym I learn something new. Here are my tips for mastering this exercise: 1) think of really tightening up your back and squeeze the back of your armpits, just like you are trying to stop someone from tickling you 2) get a nice, tight tummy and fill it up with air before you begin. I hold my breath as I lift the weight and only take a quick sip when I’m at the top 3)keep that bar on your legs! @jeanjacquesbarrett and @yourhealthyhedonista are really strict on that. If the bar starts leaving my legs, I can start to feel it in my back. 4) really keep the back from rounding. I am thinking of keeping a “proud chest”. I have a naturally rounded back from old age but I’m hoping that with this exercise and others I can prevent it from getting worse. My own mother had a real “dowagers” back so I guess it’s partly hereditary. I’m no expert. Like you guys I’m trying to keep learning and to keep getting better. I work with people who really know what they are doing and I trust them to have my health as a top priority. I recommend that you also work with professionals. I know it is so hard to find reliable help theses days but word of mouth is a wonderful thing. If you want to tag someone who you feel would be a good coach or trainer for people, please do so and list the area they work in and the gym they work at. A little community effort can go a long way . My favorite @womensbest pink seamless outfit Knee sleeves are by @sbdapparel . #girlswholift #girlswhopowerlift #bodybuilding #fitover70

Допис, поширений Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan)

Как сообщал Realist, ранее жительница шотландского города Камернолд, страдавшая от избыточного веса, рассказала о том, как похудела в два раза.